Green Mountain Woodcarvers


GMWC Carving Resources Page

In addition to the website and monthly newsletters, you can now find out more about the Club

by logging into Facebook and joining the Green Mountain Woodcarvers group.


January 2025 - CarveIn Report

Host: Dave Tabor - Randolph, VT

Our January CarveIn was hosted by Dave Tabor at Magee Office Products in Randolph VT. Once again January weather wanted to be trickey. We have had everything from freezing rain in the past and last year we had to cancel due to a storm, this year 1 to 3 was predicted, and as expected it was snowing on the way down, but the Interstate was not to bad if you "drove the conditions". We had 6 carvers attend, but 2 didn't make it due to troad conditions. Dave had the space all set up, and Roy even commented it was time to take off a layer while carving. The table had donut holes and Fruitcake cookies to sustain us thru the morning carving. Matt brought along his finished elephant to show us, and I worked on another unfinished project the otter from several years ago. Dave worked on one of the dog blanks Matt had at the last CarveIn. Carl was going to work on spoons like Roy was, but I had brought along a WCI article for a simple Gnome and that became his day's project. Chris had brought along her Mallard, so after a morning of carving, it was time to do some painting. We made a good pile of chips on the floor, and by 2:00 the snow had stopped, the roads were clear and it was time to call it a day.  

February 8, 2025 CarveIn

Host: Barbara Taylor - Putney, VT

Barbara Taylor will again host our February 2025 CarveIn. Table saw serves as a good table for the coffee and donuts and kuchen, as well as other snack people bring. The woodstove is running to keep us warm, and the soup lunch its always a treat on a cold day. Bring a project to work on and Dave often has a pattern you to try your knives on. It's a bit of a drive from the north, but always worth the trip seeing many of our southern VT members, and a good chance to Carpool if you live "up north".
Directions from the north:
Take I-91 South to the Westminster Exit #5, then Route 5 South to Westminster Center, clock your mileage at this point the shop is about 3 miles on the right. The house has cedar siding and a green metal roof. Watch for the sign on the shop.
Directions from the south:
Take I-91 North to the Putney Exit #4, then Route 5 north (about 6 miles), passing Harlow's Sugar House on the right, just past the Sugar House clock the mileage from the bridge going past I-91, the shop is 2 miles on the left.


The Green Mountain Wood Carvers was organized about 65+ years ago by Collise Brown from Waterville Vermont to bring together people interested in the art of wood carving. At present, we have about 75 members from Vermont as well as other states across New England.

Members of the club meet the second Saturday of each month for a "Carve-In". The Carve-Ins' are held at members houses and shops across the state, and provide an opportunity for members to gather, work on a projects and share ideas. In addition to our monthly Carve-Ins, each August, the Club plans a week long series of events including a carving class, and our Annual August Show and Sale held in Waterbury Vermont.

You don't need to be an accomplished carver to join the GMWC, our members range from first time carvers to professional carvers. Members work in all aspects of wood carving including relief, chip, caricatures, birds and wild fowl. Are members are always willing to help new carvers get started.

Follow the website links to find information about our various activities, contact information, our membership form and a copy of our newsletter, News & Notes.

As of 11/18/20, the GMWC is now recognized as a Non-Profit Organization with tax exempt status of 501(c)3.

Green Mountain Wood Carvers

PO Box 1283

Stowe, Vermont 05672